Life is a Precious Gift

I’ve had two friends, Jack Straw and Hank Hahn, go to be with the Lord in the past couple of weeks. They loved the Lord, worked hard, stayed in shape and were faithful to their families and churches. Hank, my friend in Phoenix for thirty-five years, died from a pulmonary embolism. Jack, my friend from Novato since 1974, died from a heart attack in Oregon. They were both tall, gentle, gracious men of faith who were younger than me.

Death does not claim bad people first, or always take the oldest among us. Many wonderful people I have known have died young. The influence of my friends who love God continues to grow in my life after they die. I want to be like them and finish strong. I too want to stay faithful, be generous and make my days count.

I’ve been thinking about Louise Loper lately. Louise was in her sixties when her husband died. As her grief subsided, she decided it was time to fulfill her lifelong dream. She sold her home, gave away most of her money and joined YWAM as a missionary. After many years doing missions, she returned to the US and joined Living Streams when she was in her eighties.

Louise was full of faith and joy. She volunteered in our church office and we eventually hired her as a receptionist. She prayed with me every Sunday morning before our services, often laying her hands on my shoulders and asking God to bless me and use my message in powerful ways. She once asked the Lord to cast the spirit of competition out of me. That prayer has still not been answered. Nevertheless, her joyful spirit encouraged our church family.

In her nineties, Louise moved in with a Romanian couple who had opened a five bedroom home to care for seniors. I went to visit her one day before she died. We were sitting in her bedroom when I asked her, “How do you like it here, Louise?”

Her eyes got big and a smile filled her face. “Oh Mark, I love it here! This room is wonderful. Look at that beautiful tree outside my window. Do you know that every morning God sends a bird to sit on a branch and sing a song to me? And, for breakfast they serve me a pear sliced on a plate, and pears are my favorite food!”

The Lord used Louise to teach me an important lesson. A wonderful reward God can give us is the ability to enjoy each day and the simple pleasures of life. God’s grace can enhance our appreciation of food, nature and our relationships. The grace to appreciate our circumstances is a blessing that brings more joy than anything we own.

Kristina and I were blessed by hundreds of people who gathered recently to celebrate our 40 years of ministry at Living Streams. It felt a little like attending our own memorial service as we listened to friends speak about our impact in their lives. One of our greatest treasures is the love we share with those who follow Jesus with us.

A special joy that night was listening as our three children spoke. Philip, Kelly and Kathryn made many sacrifices throughout their youth growing up in our home. We didn’t have much money for special vacations or to help them with cars or college expenses. Yet, they all love Jesus and are living fruitful lives.

On another subject…I get more obsessed with the presidential elections than most people. For many years I joined Jack Straw and other friends to fast and pray every week for our nation and the issues that burdened our hearts. We had some wonderful spiritual breakthroughs and answers to those prayers, yet over the years, we haven’t always supported the same political candidates.

I think it is important who wins elections. I think it is important for believers to pray, vote and stay informed about politics. However, since politics are temporal and the Kingdom of God is eternal I try to stay focused on teaching God’s word and maintaining unity in the body of Christ, rather than endorsing candidates. That said, I have taken comfort in Daniel 4:17 recently:

The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes and sets over them the lowliest of people.

May the Lord grant us wise and righteous leaders.

Many of you have held us up in prayer through the challenges we have faced and some of you have supported our ministry financially. We have joined our hearts and lives to serve Jesus together. We have been fruitful because our lives are linked in love for Christ and one another.

I will always be grateful for you. I pray that you will taste the goodness of God and see more of his glory revealed as you continue to serve the Lord and approach your reward in heaven.