Kristina’s heart transplant team called and said they want me to be quarantined at home because of the danger that I could bring the Coronavirus to her. My quarantine may last for quite a while. I was contemplating this reality when my friend, Tom Shultz, sent me a message: “God has called a timeout.”
Tom is right. Sports, entertainment, churches, restaurants, businesses and schools are closed. This is an unprecedented reality, which is shaking our world. Yet, I think God has a good purpose for this time out.
Coaches call time outs during games when they need to refocus the attention of their team on the fundamentals of good offense or defense. Time outs are also called when opponents have tactics that require adjustments. If the opponent is scoring too easily, or thwarting their game plan, the coach calls time out to adjust their strategy. Are we in a time out because we are losing ground spiritually?
Some parents use “time out” as a discipline for their children. If they want their child to settle down, play responsibly, obey instructions, or stop fighting, they put their child in time out. Alone in their room the child is forced to quiet down until they are ready to be responsible. Have we been obedient children of God?
God has called a time out to help us refocus. Repentance is the biblical word for refocusing on the Lord. Many of us are being forced to slow down and adjust our lifestyles. “God disciplines us for our good in order that we may share his holiness” (Hebrews 12:10). God disciplines those he loves. This is a good time to let our spiritual roots get deeper. It’s a good time to express our love for those we care for. How we use this time will determine if we prosper or not during the next season of life.
I’ve been praying and thinking about Daniel 2:21 for months. “He changes times and seasons.” Daniel was not just referring to God changing winter to spring or spring to summer. God changes times and seasons in human relationships through disease, famine, pestilence, war, earthquakes, etc. In Luke 21:11, Jesus said in the last days there would be pestilence. A pestilence can be caused by a plague of locusts, or a Coronavirus.
I had a heavy heart the other day as I sat in our kitchen and contemplated the implications of the Coronavirus on our nation. Looking out the window, I saw rain pounding our brick patio. The Lord spoke to my heart, “This is what I’m sending you.” We have a good Father who sends rain to the desert. He blesses us by watering our land. Every good gift comes down from the Father of Lights. We bring a lot of plagues on ourselves, but the Lord continues to show blessings to everyone who calls on his name.
I hope you will take advantage of this time out to spend extra time in prayer and studying the Word. How do you want your life to count? You have a Father in heaven who wants to prepare you for the next season of life. He sends rain to bless us and pours out the Holy Spirit to empower us to proclaim the good news of his Kingdom. Our light shines brightest when darkness looms in the land.
I don’t think there is a government bailout that will quickly restore our economy. We are in the beginning of a new season, and it will be a major change for many people. Rather than give in to fear in these tribulations, let’s proclaim the reality that the light of Christ has come to show the goodness of God in the land of the living. We have a good Father and the biggest blessing we can receive comes from being close to him.
Whether we are in the last days for mankind, or the last years of our own lives, it is foolish to live selfishly. We have been lulled into complacency by a season of prosperity which was fueled by deficit spending. Our spiritual senses have been dulled by sensuality. We serve a holy God who is calling us to turn our attention to him. This is not punishment, but a wake-up call. I’m praying we will emerge from this time out with a shout of triumph, and hearts full of faith in the goodness of God.