Redemptive Pain - December 2016

On a cold December evening, the fire in our fireplace was burning down, so I stepped out our patio door and lifted a pecan log out of a nearby wheelbarrow. As I walked back in toward our fireplace, I felt a sharp sting in my ring finger. I threw the log on the embers, which burst into flames. The needle like sting soon felt like an IV of venom penetrating my hand. I realized a scorpion had stung me. As the pain intensified, knowing that I had burned up the culprit was little comfort.

Rarely do the things we worry about cause most of our problems. Challenges usually come from things we would never expect. A rare quiet evening at home with my wife was transformed into a mini drama. I called for Kristina to come help me. She has been my go-to person for emergencies for forty-three years. We prayed. She medicated me with Benadryl and Ibuprofen, and then put my finger in ice. I added some Chardonnay. My finger went numb from the sting and my head from the medications. It would not have been a good night to drive or preach, but I was able to sleep after a few hours.

Over the past thirteen years, we have killed many scorpions inside and outside our home. Both Kristina and our daughter Kelly have been bitten more than once. I had been spared until then, and attributed it to Luke 10:19, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome over all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” As my finger throbbed, I saw that scripture in new light. The Lord had not promised to shield me from pain, but the sting would not result in long-term harm. Therefore, God would eventually use this situation for good in my life.

This is a spiritual principle we can all apply. We can have pain in our bodies from disease, aging, and accidents, and in our souls from broken relationships. Though God doesn’t cause most of it, the pain we experience can have redemptive value. It can help us grow in wisdom, compassion, and humility. The pain Jesus suffered on the cross redeems us from sin. Christ transforms us, not by shielding us from pain, but by using our pain for redemptive purposes. If we hold unforgiveness or bitterness in our hearts, then our pain loses its redemptive value and diminishes, rather than enhances, our souls.

Sooner or later, all of us face battles that define our lives. Whether these battles are in business, our families, or in ministries, how we respond shapes our lives. When I counsel people who are in major spiritual battles, there are a couple of truths I try to share with them. First: Remember that everything you say and do in this situation, can and will be used against you. Therefore, don’t respond too quickly, or say anything you would not want coming to light.

Second, there is a hope I try to instill in each person facing big challenges: The Holy Spirit is your counselor. He will give you wisdom and guide you in crucial times. If you learn to listen to the Lord in the midst of your battles, all the pain from your struggle will be redemptive, because you will learn to hear His voice. The same Spirit who faithfully counsels us in the battles of life promises to teach us and lead us into all truth in our daily lives. When the battle is over, our relationship with the Holy Spirit will be closer than ever. Therefore, though we all get stung unexpectedly, the pain can become redemptive.

In the midst of the Christmas story, after the shepherds heard the angelic choir sing praise to God, and after the wise men had delivered their gifts to Jesus, the wise men had to flee from the wrath of Herod. They were led to safety by dreams from God. Then Joseph, Mary, and Jesus had to escape, as well. They, too, were led to safety as the wisdom of God guided them by dreams. They were protected by supernatural wisdom in the battle for their lives. They were not in a battle because of their sin, but because they had been chosen to serve God. We serve the same God as we bring the message of Christ to people. The Holy Spirit leads, guides, and teaches us as we listen to Him. Just like a small computer linked to the cloud, we have access to great resources through the Spirit of God.

My prayer is for you to approach your challenges with a gift of faith. Resist fear and anxiety. Trust your Father in Heaven to turn your battles and pain into a blessing. The Savior has come to bring peace on earth to those with whom He is pleased. God is not angry or trying to punish us with problems. He wants to reveal Himself to us as we follow Jesus.

May God grant you peace and joy through a deeper revelation of Jesus Christ.