October 2016 - We are Here for Such a Time as This

October 2016 - We are Here for Such a Time as This

I have been praying for the Lord to shine light on our political candidates so we can make wise judgments when we vote. Recently, I’ve been tempted to say “That’s enough Lord. We’ve seen enough!” I remind myself Jesus is the head over all rulers and authorities (Col 2:9-10), and there is nothing hidden that won’t be revealed (Luke 8:17). The proud will ultimately be humbled and everyone will give an account to Christ. America has politicians with good character, and I pray God will raise up those leaders and give them courage and wisdom in the days ahead.

We have deep divisions in our nation, politically and racially. As the hostile political climate has increased, I’ve been thinking about a question Jesus asked as he was being led to the cross: “If this is happening when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?” (Luke 23:31)  In other words, if people act with such anger and frustration when we are in a season of prosperity, how will they act when times really get tough?

Years ago I was a guest on a secular radio show with a bombastic host. Talking with the host off the air, I discovered he understood the complexity of the issues we were discussing. I asked him why he was only giving one perspective to his listeners. He told me he was an entertainer. I realized he was more concerned about ratings than truth. He justified using deception to build a bigger program audience under the guise of entertainment. That kind of one sided news commentary enflames the tensions in our nation now more than ever.

As a pastor, I have worked to bring unity to people who are divided by hostility. I’ve seen people who say they love Jesus fight and demonize each other. Misunderstandings can turn into divisions, which allow demonic forces to work. Hurts morph into hostilities, which can bring out the worst in people. Unresolved conflicts can turn hurt into hatred. Eventually people who were once friends become enemies.

People like to say that time heals all wounds. Unfortunately that is not true. In time many untreated wounds become infected. People can die from infected wounds. There are powerful forces seeking to divide our nation. To heal divisions in a family or our nation, we need to resist forces of hatred. It takes dedication and courage to understand the perspective of people who disagree with us. I recommend people switch cable news and radio channels occasionally to try to understand the perspective of the other side.

Jesus told us to love our enemies. The alternative to loving them is fighting them. Many Christians died in our Civil War, because they allowed sectarianism to trump the words of Jesus. Much blood can be shed, and money wasted before people realize that fighting is tragic. Jesus didn’t tell us to love our enemies because He is wimpy. He tells us to love our enemies because that is the quickest way to understand them, and gain wisdom to end conflicts.

Some issues we debate are life and death for refugees fleeing terror and tyranny. If you were the captain of a large ship crossing the ocean and you came upon a thousand survivors of a shipwreck floating in the water, would you stop your ship to rescue these men, women, and children from drowning? What if you were told that one of those bobbing helplessly in the sea might be a terrorist? Would you allow 999 people to drown because of the fear that you might bring a terrorist onto your ship? We have a refugee crisis with millions of people fleeing death and destruction. Among them are Christians. We have room and resources in our nation to help these people, yet many Americans would rather reject all refugees than take a chance that one in a thousand would be a terrorist. There is always risk involved in helping people in need, or sharing our faith. Yet we are here for such a time as this.

Someday Jesus will reign on the earth and solve the complex problems facing mankind. Right now, Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father until all His enemies are made a footstool for His feet. The enemies of the Lord are being put at His feet as the Body of Christ manifests the wisdom and love of God on the earth. We, who have experienced mercy from Christ instead of judgment for our sins, must lead by showing the love of God when challenges arise. The evil one comes to kill, steal, and destroy. The Son of Man came to destroy the work of the devil. We can overcome evil with good as the light of Christ shines through us. We are here for such a time as this.

Many believers are divided about the choices before us. We should care about character, the Supreme Court, loving our neighbors, and the future of our nation. Yet the Lord has given us a conundrum. There is no easy answer. We are people who see through a glass darkly and must choose between flawed candidates. I’m committed to honoring and praying for whichever leaders get elected. Our next president will face big challenges and will need our support and prayers. I know God’s kingdom triumphs over all. I also know, we are here for such a time as this.